If there was one software computer command that I wish was available in real life, it would definitely have to be undo.
If I could convert a soul for every time I wanted to press the undo button in everyday life, the mission would be a breeze. Every word I said without thinking. Every decision I made that turned out to be a big mistake. Just wishing I could make things disappear as if they never happened. Wishing I could take back the thoughtless things I said to other kids when I was in school, or to my husband, my parents.
Without the luxury of undo in everyday life, at least I have come across another very useful command. I learned to pause before I say or do something, so that I don't have to want to undo it afterwards. I take a moment to linger in the presence of the situation, gather as much information as possible, think of the consequences and act way more responsible than before. Less unnecessary arguments, wiser responses, generally more peace and calm. Pause is a good place to be at. Pause may even be better than undo, because you get to learn from things that cannot be undone, you grow and you meet grace, love and sacrifice.
The beauty of pause is that it allows for a breath of air, a change of direction, something new that can come from a thing that is going down the wrong way or has become old and tired. Pause takes the pressure off you - it actually takes all attention off you and makes you humble and open to a bigger purpose and end result. I realise that I see and hear things, get new perspectives that I wouldn't have had.
In everyday life, sadly enough, many of us are full stops instead of pauses, instead of commas.
Have you ever thought about maybe being the obstacle in someone's way or preventing someone from reaching their dreams or realising their purpose? Have you thought about being the end of everything you pursue in life, putting an end to a story that is actually supposed to go on forever?
The idea of me standing in the way of God's blessing coming through hit me hard this week. How many times have I blocked the working of the Spirit by my negativity, my narrow-mindedness, my pessimism...? My full stops are putting God in a box that is way too small. Plus, my full stops are absorbing all the joy for myself, keeping everything just for me, and not sharing or passing on the blessing to others. If more full stops became commas, the story of God at work would be a long one and a good one.
It sure made me pause and think for a while. Where was I not listening, not giving attention, not making space for something new to happen, where was I shutting doors in the face of opportunities? May I put an end to being the stop and may I start being the comma that makes a way for good things to happen, a passing-through of the Spirit, a resting place that refreshes, a pit-stop instead of a full stop.